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high symmetry中文是什么意思

用"high symmetry"造句"high symmetry"怎么读"high symmetry" in a sentence


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  • Criminisi and i confirmed the high symmetry of such metalwork by applying our perspective analysis to a true projection ? a modern photograph ? of a direct casting of a 15th - century four - arm lichtkroon
  • It is shown that with increasing doped value x , structures of the crystals change its low symmetry into high symmetry and doping with praseodymium can induce larger crystal structure distortion than other elements
  • Nickel and its metal complexes not only have great importance to study of chemical science , but also have comprehensive applications to the field of technique . meanwhile , the extensive interest of spectroscopists and academic chemists has been arosed by high symmetry and particular electronic structure of nickel one - nuclear complexes
  • In each case , we present the surface band structure together with the projected bulk band of both ideal and reconstruction surface respectively , the number of the surface states is determined , and the localized surface features and orbital properties of this surface states along the high symmetry lines in the 2d sbz are discussed
    根据电子数目规则,我们断定处在一o . lev ~ 0 . lev的表面态为全部填满的阴离子悬挂键态或者为原子再构后引起的as一asdimer键态,而处在1 . 4ev一1 . 6ev的表面态为阳离子空的悬挂键态。
用"high symmetry"造句  


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